A Better Appletini

This is the 90’s anymore. Hopefully if you’re reading this hear, you would not consider an Appletini as an option. Ever. It’s not a martini, the only thing they have in common is the glass. If you want to relive the good ol’ days, or are just looking for redemption, we got an answer for you.

First, we need to make apple infused gin. Get a citrus forward gin so there’s a more dynamic flavor for the apple gin.

10 oz. of citrus forward gin, 1 cut and cored apple (we used red), ½ oz of apple cider. Put apple and gin in the bar for a day and a half to two days at room temperature. Dispose of apple after  straining gin, then add the ½ oz of apple cider. The apple gin stays good for a week after.

Now to the rest:

2 oz of vodka

1 oz of apple gin

½ oz of Cocchi Americana

Cocchi Americana, is a popular Italian liquer. It is made from Moscato wine that gets macerated with other flavorsome, aromatic ingredients like cinchona bark, gentian root, orange peel, and other herbs and spices.

Pour ingredients into ice and shake 10 seconds before straining into martini glass.