The Cold Toddy

Sometimes you need a cool take on a classic twist. Still the same flavor vein, here’s how to combine your own teas, spices, citrus, and whiskey. Serves 8

¼ cup of orange juice

1½ cups of lemon juice

4 cinnamon sticks

4″ piece ginger, peeled, smashed, plus more thinly sliced for serving

4 Earl Grey tea bags

1 tsp. whole cloves

2/3 cup honey

2 cups (rye preferred) whiskey

1 tsp. orange or regular bitters

Whack cinnamon sticks with the side of a chef’s knife to break up a little and add to saucepan along with smashed ginger, tea bags, cloves, and 1¾ cups water. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat; let sit 5 minutes. Remove tea bags, then stir in honey; let cool completely, about 20 minutes.

Strain tea mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a pitcher and add rye, bitters, and reserved orange juice and lemon juice. Add 2 cups ice and stir until ice is melted and toddy is very cold.

Tea mixture can be made 3 days ahead; cover and chill. Toddy can be made 1 day ahead; cover and chill.